The Role Of Drama In Enhancing Life Skills In Children With Specific Learning Difficulties In A Mumbai School: My Reflective Account


This thesis is a reflective account of an action research project set in a drama classroom. It is a multi-voiced patchwork text which is created and built imaginatively to re-present my students and my experience in the drama classroom.

On one level it deals with the question 'How can drama be used to enhance life skills in children with specific learning disabilities studying in a school in Mumbai?' On the second level it is related to the question 'How can I improve my practice?'

This research is concerned with a teacher's capacity to recognise and realise the opportunity of an alternate reality in teaching. The reality of loving and caring for the students. The reality of an empathetic, compassionate, just and democratic classroom.

The foundation of this study was laid when I saw the children in need suffer due to insensitive teaching practices and uncooperative peers and family. I was concerned with the trauma faced by students in the prevalent educational setting in India. I believe that what I do in education should help make changes for the better in our society. Life skills enhancement, in my understanding, was a way to alleviate the stress the children experienced seeing that life skill education promotes mental well-being in young people and behavioural preparedness.

As a drama teacher I see drama as tool for education. It is a natural vehicle for explorative and experiential learning. The aim of my thesis is to describe and reflect on the learning process and the context in which it occurs. I present the critical points with close analysis of the choices made by me as I taught my pupils using drama as a learning medium.

Additionally, this study investigates the influences of action research on my practice and the impact of engaging in the stages of action research which provided me with a methodical structure for implementing and analyzing the teaching and the learning process. This defined structure guided me through systematic and conscious data collection, data analysis, and reflection. The data is composed of classroom observations and transcripts, a collection of the students and my work and interviews with their schoolteachers and parents.

The main objective of this research was to enable a gain in positive behavioural intentions and improved psychosocial competence in children. This was accomplished through augmentation of creativity, emotional understanding and development, improved self-esteem and a notion of the joy of autonomy to enable the students to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life.


You can download the PhD in chapters in PDF Format

Frontpiece, Acknowledgements, Abstract, Contents, Glossary, Photo of a Happy Classroom page i

CHAPTER ONE - Introduction page 1

CHAPTER TWO - Methodology page 14

CHAPTER THREE - Specific Learning Difficulty page 63

CHAPTER FOUR - Life Skills Education page 73

CHAPTER FIVE - The Laboratory of Drama page 117

CHAPTER SIX - Emotional Understanding page 172

CHAPTER SEVEN - Understanding Self page 206

CHAPTER EIGHT - Empathy page 232

CHAPTER NINE - Creativity page 248

CHAPTER TEN - Conclusion page 270

References page 289

Appendix 1 - List Of Names page 1

Appendix 2 - A Snapshot Of Child-2 page 2

Appendix 3 - A Snapshot Of Child-9 page 12

Appendix 4 - A Snapshot Of Child-4 page 22

Appendix 5 - A Snapshot Of Child-5 page 28

Appendix 6 - Teacher's Multiple-choice Questionnaire page 39

Appendix 7 - Parent Interview page 42

Appendix 8 - Children's Work Sheets page 44

Appendix 9 - Self Assessment Sheet page 49

Appendix 10 - Journal 10.6.2002 page 51

Appendix 11 - Assessment The Annual Program page 54

Appendix 12 - Assessment The Annual Program (Scores) page 55

Appendix 13 _ Assessment The Annual Program (Part2) page 57

Appendix 14 - Teacher0s Comments After Annual Program page 58

Appendix 15 - Creativity Rating Scale page 59

Appendix 16 - Plan of Class 4 page 60

Appendix 17 - Blind Walk or Trust Walk. page 61