Thoughts from last night's conversation for next Tuesday evening (5.15-7.15 1WN 3.8)


Nina - great to see you back and to share your writings. inspiring to see you connecting your experiences as a new Mother with your experiences as a teacher. I think you'll find a lot in the Roots of Empathy programme that is relevant to your enquiry at:



(or just do a search in google on Roots of Empathy).  


 Sally is just finishing her writings on  Understanding Learners and Learning and may have this to share in a couple of weeks.  Vic - Kate Kemp has registered for her educational enquiry and as Kate is working at the Link I'm hoping you can both come along next Tuesday. Hoping that the life-affirming energy in your dancing on Friday night - to the rock and roll band with Kate as lead singer, has continued to flow! Kate said that several hundred pounds had been collected to support the Link.


What I'd really like us all to be able to do is to show that we can communicate our understandings of Marie's ideas on the nature of gifts and talents in education. Louise is on the inside of this inclusional understanding of gifts and talents which is consistent with including all children on a gifts and talents register. Barry Hymer has developed an idea of gift creation which we could explore. The language in Barry's Abstract at feels very complex but his last sentence does seem very significant: "... I suggest an inclusional, non-dualistic alternative to the identification or discovery of an individual's gifts and talents by arguing that activity- and development-centred (not knowing-centred) learning-leading-development (Vygotsky, ibid.) environments lead not to the identification of gifts and talents but to their creation."



I'd also like us all to see what we think of the quote from John MacBeath on Personalised Learning. You can access this from the Official Stuff menu bar of Mariessite at:



I do urge you to make  a favourite in your browser for ease of access.


if you can find the time before next Tuesday evening do have a browse through Marie's


Living educational theory research: creating inclusive and inclusional understandings of gifts and talents.





so that we can see if we are sharing an understanding of an inclusional approach to gifts and talents in education.   If you haven't got a copy of Action Research Living Theory I'll bring some along so that we can check with each other our understandings of the idea that we can produce our own living educational theories as explanations of our educational influence in our own learning, in the learning of others (our pupils) and in the learning of the social formations in which we live and work.


I've arranged with Louise, Lisa and Tara to explore with some of their pupils the possibility that the pupils could be researching their learning as Louise, Lisa and Tara are researching their own learning and their educational influence in their pupils learning. We've arranged this for Wednesday 27th June at 3.45 and it might be that you might like to join us to see if we can develop a co-created understanding of researching educational influences in learning with pupils. We could chat about this on the 19th and 26th.