

pdf Kate Kemp - Working in partnership with pupils, families and other professionals-a case study/a living educational theory. Submitted to Bath Spa University April 2011.
pdf Kate Kemp - A written critique of: Huppert, F. and Johnson, D. (2010) A controlled trial of mindfulness training in schools: the importance of practice for an impact on well-being Journal of Positive Psychology, Volume 5, Issue 4, 264-274 - Assignment PR7101 submitted to Bath Spa University, April 2012.
pdf Kate Kemp - How can I contribute to improving the emotional self-regulation of students with whom I work in the context of a BESD special school? Assignment PR 7102, Research Proposal - Submitted to Bath Spa University October 2012.
pdf Paul Falkus - What are the guiding principles and passions of my leadership? First Educational Enquiry. Submitted June 2010.
pdf Kate Kemp - Can I reconcile the tension I feel between living my values at the same time as exercising professional judgements and, in doing so, improve my practice? Second Educational Enquiry. Submitted April 2010.
pdf Sally Cartwright - GWIST Accredited Professional Development Programme. University of Bath, 9 credit unit
pdf Sally Cartwright - A Critical Reflection On My Learning And Its Integration Into My Professional Practice. Three credit unit. January 2010.
pdf Gary Williams' educational enquiry, A View From The Field: How can my knowledge be of use to other teachers? Back in the garage with my bullshit detector - The Clash. Under examination January 2010
htm Gary Williams' educational enquiry, A View From The Field: How can my knowledge be of use to other teachers? Back in the garage with my bullshit detector - The Clash. Under examination January 2010
pdf Joelle Adams' first educational enquiry, 'How can I learn about teaching academic writing from a peer tutoring pilot project? September 2008
pdf Joelle Adams' second educational enquiry, 'How can I live my values in each of the areas of activity defined by my sector?' January 2010
htm Kate Kemp's first educational enquiry 'Can I put the pupil's voice at the heart of our 'request for support' form and what will I learn in the process?' November 2008
pdf Kate Kemp's first educational enquiry 'Can I put the pupil's voice at the heart of our 'request for support' form and what will I learn in the process?' November 2008
pdf Kate Kemp's Learning Outcome 5 - Working in partnership with pupils, families and other professionals-a case study/a living educational theory. April 2011 submission to Bath Spa University
pdf Joy Mounter's third educational enquiry 'How can I enhance the educational influence of my pupils in their own learning, that of other pupils, myself and the school?' 2008
pdf Sally Cartwright's first Educational Enquiry, 2008. A Pilot Project - The application of the TASC process Across 5 subjects To Year 7 students. University of Bath. Large pdf file - worth the wait!
pdf Sally Cartwright's second Educational Enquiry, How can leadership qualities improve my practice as a teacher? January 2009
htm Sally Cartwright's second Educational Enquiry, How can leadership qualities improve my practice as a teacher? January 2009
htm Amy Skuse's first Educational Enquiry, How have my experiences of Year 2 SAT's influenced my perceptions of assessment in teaching and learning? Submitted for examination, University of Bath, October 2007.
htm Louise Cripp's first Educational Enquiry, How do I improve my educational relationship with the learners I work with, both adults and children? Submitted for examination, University of Bath, November 2007.
pdf Nina Clayton's first Educational Enquiry, How am I enhancing communication within my classroom with traditional stories and using both non-verbal and verbal language?
htm Nina Clayton's first Educational Enquiry, How am I enhancing communication within my classroom with traditional stories and using both non-verbal and verbal language?
pdf Ros Hurford's first Educational Enquiry, How do I encourage my pupils, through my own example and practice to become lifelong learners? January 2006.
htm Ros Hurford's second Educational Enquiry, How does the writing of a new gifted and talented policy enable me to reflect upon and evaluate my personal values about gifts and talents? In what ways am I living my values in this area? September 2007.
htm Ros Hurford's third Educational Enquiry, Working within the framework of 'Personalised Learning' how can I ensure there is a real learning space for my pupils, where they feel involved in what they learn and how they learn it? Submitted February 2008.
pdf Claire Formby's first Educational Enquiry, 'How can I improve learning in my class through the explicit teaching of emotional literacy?'
htm Claire Formby's first Educational Enquiry, 'How can I improve learning in my class through the explicit teaching of emotional literacy?'
htm Claire Formby's second Educational Enquiry, How do I sustain a loving, receptively responsive educational relationship with my pupils which will motivate them in their learning and encourage me in my teaching? September 2007.
pdf Claire Formby's second Educational Enquiry, How do I sustain a loving, receptively responsive educational relationship with my pupils which will motivate them in their learning and encourage me in my teaching? September 2007.
htm Claire Formby's third Educational Enquiry, How am I integrating my educational theorizing with the educational responsibility I express in my educational relationships with the children in my class and in my school and wider society? Submitted April 2008.
htm Joy Mounter's First Educational Enquiry, How can I live my personal theory of education in the classroom to promote self reflection as a learner? November, 2006.
pdf Joy Mounter's Second Educational Enquiry, Language of learning to the language of educational responsibility. November, 2006.
htm Ed Harker's Educational Enquiry, How can I carry out Masters level educational research without abandoning my own educational values? November, 2006.
pdf - 1.43 Mb Marie Huxtable's M.A. Educational Enquiry, How can I improve my practice through 'walking the talk' and 'dealing with doorsteps'?
html - 100KB Patricia Kelly's M.A. Educational Enquiry, How do I understand my values of humanity in the classroom?: an educational enquiry.
pdf - 192KB Victoria Kennedy's M.A. Educational Enquiry, Why is inclusionality so important to me? Ticking the Inclusionality box
pdf Catriona Williamson's Educational Enquiry of April 2005, on - How effective is Mere School at listening to 'the pupil's voice'?
html Lisa Percy's Educational Enquiry of October 2003, on - In Loco Parentis: Should teachers be parents too?
pdf Graham Lloyd's Educational Enquiry assignment on - How do I/we help the students in Key Stage 4 improve their learning if they are in danger of underperforming?
pdf Mark Potts' Educational Enquiry Module, Sept. 2002, on - How can I use my own values and my experience of schools in South Africa to influence my own education and the education of others? This takes time to download because of the images
pdf Jean Bell's Educational Enquiry Module, Sept. 2002: How can I improve the quality of teaching to motivate Year 9 boys in Food Technology
pdf Karen Collins' Educational Enquiry Module, Jan. 2003: How can I effectively manage students' learning to take account of self-assessment within Modern Foreign Languages?