IĠd recommend all the Living-Action-Research researchers to examine and ask themselves the following:



1.Why am I doing Living Action Research?


2. Do I do so positively, using positive power (Nietzche) and energy (Jack Whitehead), namely that Living Action Research is good for my research theories and objectives, as opposed to hatred of academia, positivism and traditional research?


3. Do I make sure that I am well aware of and familiar with the existing theories and debates in the social sciences and the study of human existence?


4. I'd recommend researchers to take their time.  Am I patient enough, rather than work in haste?


5. Am I able to show that I have done more than Living Action Research in my academic career/research?


6. Am I able to show that I am aware of the world beyond the ivory tower and to engage with it?


7. Can I display, demonstrate and show an independence and autonomy as a researcher and a human being?


8. Can I show and demonstrate tolerance and open mind?


9. Do I and can I show ability to question and to accept nothing for granted?


10. Can I demonstrate and show ability to admit that I am wrong when I am wrong and realise it?


11. Can I show authenticity and rigour?


I believe that if we/I would do that then we/I will earn respect and will not be considered to be a farce and 'eccentric'.  And this for me is rigour.