TITLE: Capturing Whom for the Sake of What? What difference does research make? And for Whom?


- Francoise Bodone (Chair), University of Oregon (USA)

- Mary Dalmau (Respondent), University of Oregon (Australia)

- Lynn Butler-Kisber, McGill University (Canada)

- Phil Carspecken, University of Indiana, Bloomington (USA)

- Andrew Gitlin, University of Utah, Department of Education, Culture and Society (USA)

- Graham Smith, University of Auckland (NZ)

- Linda Tuhiwai Smith, University of Auckland (NZ)

- Yolanda Watts-Johnson, Marquette University (NZ)

- Jack Whitehead, University of Bath (UK)


Beyond the research reports, the articles in referred journals, the book chapters, and the well-crafted presentations at prestigious conferences, what is happening in education? What are the outcomes of educational research? What difference(s) does research make in the lives and experiences of the researched? How is education as a whole different because of our work in qualitative inquiry?


The AERA 2002 theme is about validity and value. The overarching question addressed in this symposium is: What is our validated and valued research doing (or not doing) for education? I believe it is important that this question be addressed in New Orleans. I propose an interactive symposium of international educational and qualitative researchers who have elicited voices in various parts of the world. The presenters will address the symposium question from their unique perspectives about research (critical ethnography, arts-based methodologies, decolonizing methodologies, teachers and collaborative research, multimedia representation, articulation and transformation of knowledge).