BERA Practitioner-Researcher SIG Seminar in Bath, 19th June 2004.

10.00-4.00 in Room 1WN 3.17 of the

Department of Education of the University of Bath


Maps to help your travel are at


I am assuming that our desires as practitioner-researchers, to enjoy a productive day together, will be expressed in educational conversations that enhance our understandings of and contributions to educational knowledge. I am also assuming that our creative spirits will require the lightest of pre-defined structures to flourish in these conversations. So, the following information is offered as a contextual resource. It may be helpful in a preliminary recognition of each othersÕ existing contributions to educational knowledge. I wouldnÕt want it to constrain the openness of the questions, ideas and issues you may wish to share and develop during the day. Because of the increasing importance of the interconnecting and branching networks of communication offered by the web, IÕve arranged for access to three internet connections with video-projectors in Rooms 1WN 3.8, 3.23 and 3.17 for any on-line contributions you may wish to make. (The first copy in the country of the newly published International Handbook of Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices arrived yesterday and this will be available to browse through)


Unlike traditional seminars where papers are presented, most of the written contributions for this seminar are already on the web and show how we are accounting for ourselves in our practitioner-research. If you also have other papers you wish to circulate on the day do please bring them along. What we do with our time together is up to us. I know a programme that looks empty might create some anxiety for those who like more ÔstructureÕ! My assumption is that we are filling the space and time with who we are, what we have been doing (see below) and with our desire to engage in creative educational conversations in which we feel that we have been understood, our contributions recognised and our life-affirming energies and hopes shared with each other as we seek to take our enquiries forward.


Gathering in 1WN 3.23 of the Department of Education/ University of Bath


9.30 - 10.00  Coffee/Tea available


10.00- 10.15 Introduction to the BERA Practitioner-Research SIG by Brian Wakeman.


10.15 Ð 11.30 First phase of creating the day


11.30 Ð 11.45  Break


11.45 Ð12.30 Second phase


12. 30 Ð 1.30   Lunch (bring your own or buy on campus)


1.30- 2.45 Third phase


2.45 Ð 3.00 Coffee/Tea


3.00 Ð 400 Fourth phase - creative and critical ending to the day.




Pat DÕArcy. Making engaged and appreciative responses to peoplesÕ stories


Andrew Bayliss, is conversing with Paulus on the supervisory relationship with Paulus as he produces a Self-Study Masters thesis on the 'knowledge of well-being'.


Steve Bridges, (MSc in Management Studies with Distinction) is critically reflecting

on his practice as a shift manager in the automotive industry in Stroud and developing a doctoral inquiry. Steve will be contributing with Paulus on the Quality of Supervisory Practice for an (Action) Masters inquiry.


Madeline Church. Participation, relationships and dynamic change: New thinking on evaluating the work of international networks.


Kevin Eames. An epistemology of practice for teacher education. Action research, dialectics and an epistemology of practically-based professional knowledge for education


James Edgerton, is a business development manager with a Mercedes Benz franchise and is working with Paulus on a co-operative inquiry which includes the question, How can I influence the performance of an Inspirational Team? The context also includes

organizational development and Change in his business. His focus is on how he can

develop his practitioner knowledge while improving business performance.

You can see James' questions here


Maggie Farren. Developing a pedagogy of the unique in higher education.


Bernie Fitzgerald. Experiencing and evidencing learning: new ways of working with mentors and trainees in a training school partnership


Sarah Fletcher. Mentoring action research


Erica Holley. How do I as a teacher-researcher contribute to the development of a living educational theory through an exploration of my values in my professional practice?


Andy Larter.  An Action Research Approach to Classroom Discussion in the Examination Years


Jean McNiff. A generative and transformatory approach to practitioner-research. JeanÕs inaugural professorial lecture at St MaryÕs College Twickenham is on the 15th June.


Peter Mellett Ð Enquiring into living values more fully within the community and within his work as a Magistrate. Peter conducted The BERA Review: March 1999 - February 2000 Educational Action Research within Teaching as a Research-Based Profession.


Paulus Murray.  Living postcolonial theory


Marion Naidoo. Creativity and the emergence of an authentic sense of self:  How can I use creative process to improve my practice as a facilitator of healthcare improvement  Marion is now working for the National Institute for Mental Health in England.


Jason Nickels. Improving my professional practice as an action researcher/organisational psychologist: Facilitating the organisational development of a National Health Service Trust.


Nceku 'Q' Nyathi has his MA (Organization Studies) and is a full-time doctoral researcher at Leicester University's Centre for Alternative Organization Studies. His area of research is Postcolonial theory and Organization Studies and he is co-inquiring into  'Shaping a Postcolonial Life and Practice in British Higher Education: From supervision to co-researching together'. 


Polis Pantilidis (MSc in Management Studies) who works with the Salvation Army in Bristol very much on the front-line as a manager of a drug and alcohol rehab centre and who is also an ordained minister is enquiring into dialogue and inclusion as a Christian practice, and exploring his supervision with Paulus as a Muslim educator. His main focus now is developing a doctoral inquiry in the area of 'applying' action research.


Mark Potts. Living my educational values more fully in my practice. See

the Educational Enquiry Module, Sept. 2002, on - How can I use my own values and my experience of schools in South Africa to influence my own education and the education of others? This takes time to download because of the images.


What methods of enquiry can I use to live out my democratic values more fully?


Robyn Pound.  Improving health visiting through practitioner-research - developing an epistemology of alongsideness


Alan Rayner. Inclusionality, an introduction to the complex self. Assessing a curriculum for Life, Environment and People


Simon Riding. Living myself through others. How can I account for my claims and understanding of a teacher-research group at Westwood St Thomas School?


Jacqui Scholes-Rhodes. From the Inside Out: Learning to presence my aesthetic and spiritual being through the emergent form of a creative art of inquiry


Alon Serper. Ð An integrative heuristics of human existence


Trevor Sparrow, (MBA 2003) has established his Concilium Process Consultants and currently has a large project. Trevor is enquiry with Paulus on 'Process Consultancy and learning to process human experience: the key skills for the organizational change-agent'.


Brian Wakeman. Ð convenor of the BERA Practitioner-Researcher SIG


Jack Whitehead.  2004 Do action researchers' expeditions carry hope for the future of humanity? How do we know? An enquiry into reconstructing educational theory and educating social formations.

You can also access the AERA 04 Symposium Proposal and presentations on The transformative potential of individuals' collaborative self-studies for sustainable global educational networks of communication from

The ideas from this Symposium are being developed for the Symposium on:


Have We Created A New Epistemology For The New Scholarship Of Educational Enquiry Through  Practitioner Research? Developing Sustainable Global Educational Networks Of Communication by,


Jean McNiff;   Caitriona McDonagh, Bernie Sullivan, Mairin Glenn, University of Limerick Joan Whitehead, Bernie Fitzgerald University of the West of England ; Marian Naidoo, National Institute for Mental Health England;  Jack Whitehead, University of Bath,


at a Practitioner-Researcher SIG session at BERA 04 in Manchester Ð 16-18 September. Details of the rest of the Practitioner-Researcher SIG sessions will be available at our meeting on the 19th June. Details of the Symposium convened by Jean at the University of Limerick in June 1993, on Critical Debates in Action Research, can be found at:


Joan Whitehead. Experiencing and evidencing learning: new ways of working with mentors and trainees in a training school partnership


Participants at a distance:



Pip Bruce Ferguson - Research Co-ordinator, Te Wananga o Aotearoa (University of New Zealand).  Ph.D. (2004)  Developing a Research Culture in a Polytechnic: An Action Research Case Study

Moira Laidlaw   - ChinaÕs Experimental Centre for Action Research in Foreign Languages Teaching

See the practitioner-researcher accounts of Ma Hong, Li Peidong, Gong Lixia and the action planning of Dean Tian.


Je Kan Adler-Collins Fukuoka University Japan, Love as  a Methodology Ð Living Action Research

You can join the living action research e-forum and participate in the conversation on love as a methodology from:


Jackie Delong and Cheryl Black Grand Erie District School Board in Ontario- Developing a Culture of Inquiry See also JackieÕs keynote address on, Action Research Implemented in The Grand Erie District School Board: Impact on Teacher Development, Improvement and the Support System. Presented to the Japanese Association of Educators for Human Development on the 29th February, 2004.


Ram Punia  Ed.D. (2004)  The making of an international educator with spiritual values (practitioner-research in Mauritius, Fiji, Western Somoa, Hong Kong and Singapore)


Mary Hartog Ph.D. (2004)  A self-study of a higher education tutor: How can I improve my practice?

MaryÕs is the latest living educational theory thesis to be accreditated for a doctorate and I do hope you will access MaryÕs Abstract Ð this should stimulate you to read further!

You can also access PELRS web-site on Developing Pedagogies for E-Learning Resources


You can also access the web-site for CARN the Collaborative Action Research Network